Recent Publications

Image of Schizanthus and Antirrhinum for special highlight

Bukhari, G., Zhang, J., Stevens, P.F., and Zhang, W. 2017. Evolution of the process underlying floral zygomorph development in pentapetalous angiosperms. American Journal of Botany 104: 1846–1856. doi: 10.3732/ajb.1700229


Bukhari, G., J. Zhang, P.F. Stevens, and W. Zhang. 2017. Evolution of the process underlying floral zygomorphy development in pentapetalous angiosperms. XIX International Botanical Congress: Shenzhen, China.

Bukhari, G., J. Zhang, and W. Zhang. 2016. Patterns of floral organ initiation and evolution of floral symmetry in pentapetalous angiosperms. Botany 2016: Celebrating our History, Conserving our Future. 

Bukhari, G., J. Zhang, and W. Zhang. 2015. Floral orientation and evolution of flower symmetry in pentapetalous angiosperms. Botany 2015: Science and Plants for People.